主營產(chǎn)品: 各種(CD4MCU,904L,F(xiàn)S-1,F518攪拌槳葉)管座管架, K合金接口套管,SS920套管進水管...所在地區(qū): 江蘇常州溧陽市
經(jīng)營模式: 生產(chǎn)型 已備案證書: 0 張 工商注冊: 2007(已隱藏) 員工人數(shù): 0 - 50 人 公司簡介:溧陽市瑞陽機械廠(普通合伙)采用砂型鑄造、樹脂砂鑄造和熔模精密鑄造生產(chǎn)工藝,生產(chǎn)廠區(qū)占地5000多平方米。本廠技術力量雄厚、設備先進、檢測手段齊全。多年來,為石油、化工、冶金、電力、建材、礦山等行業(yè)提供了大量的耐熱、耐磨、耐腐蝕鋼種鑄件和備品備件。我廠一直和中石化南化設計院、南化供銷公司、南化磷肥廠、氮肥廠、南化化機廠、揚州慶松化工、建業(yè)慶松、揚州中興、金桃金源化工機械廠、銅陵有色金屬總公司、重慶華強化肥、重慶精誠工業(yè)配套、齊魯石化、南京河海大學機械廠、南京藍深制泵集團、南京鈦白、廣西滕縣金茂鈦白、唐山達豐焦化、河南朝川焦化豫港焦化、山西福龍、山西永吉、山西焦炭集團、山西金昌煤炭、山東金能煤炭、萊蕪泰山焦化、中普邯鄲、河北華潤煤化、呼和浩特電燃、蕪湖新興鑄管、云南云淮集團、陜西旬陽、交口道爾煤業(yè)、新疆新江焦化、微山同泰焦化、平頂山利鑫焦化、內(nèi)蒙古齊華保持著良好的業(yè)務合作關系,并以一流的質(zhì)量、滿意的服務、良好的信譽贏的用戶的一致好評! 主要產(chǎn)品:各種泵殼、葉輪、(CD4MCU,904L,F(xiàn)S-1,F518攪拌槳葉)、支架、CR25NI20管座、 K合金接口、K合金套管,SS920套管,SS920進水管,C4合金進酸管、出酸管、沖擊管、洗滌塔噴頭、文氏管S801噴嘴、焦化廠噴淋飽和器904L噴頭,特種材質(zhì)螺絲,苯胺流化床風帽,軋鋼廠爐進管滑軌等。 -
主營產(chǎn)品: 乘用車涂裝線、總裝修補,車身粘膠固化,車輛溫度仿環(huán)境,卡車車頭加熱,學校培訓維修...所在地區(qū): 廣東廣州白云區(qū)
經(jīng)營模式: 生產(chǎn)型 已備案證書: 0 張 工商注冊: 2014(100萬(元)) 員工人數(shù): 0 - 50 人 主營行業(yè): 烤漆設備公司簡介: 廣州軍瑞機電設備有限公司-公司坐落在空港門戶白云民營科技園,生產(chǎn)基地位于空港門戶白云鐘落潭鎮(zhèn)。是集環(huán)保紅外線輻射烘烤和智能智造于一體的技術型企業(yè),同時也是世界上烤漆行業(yè)*品牌瑞典IRT的華南區(qū)域總代理,*提供瑞典IRT的整套烘烤加熱設備及高水準的售后服務。我們在2014年成立于廣州,一直以來,公司以“技術為核心、售后為基礎、合作為共贏”的誠信服務宗旨,為廣大客戶、合作伙伴提供優(yōu)質(zhì)高效、完美的智能自動化烘烤整體設計方案的先行者,更是高端烘烤系統(tǒng)自動化解決方案的專家。 廣州軍瑞智能智造專注于人工智能領域,致力人工智能的研制和開發(fā),以服務客戶的需求,提升工業(yè)智能自動化效率,保護地球環(huán)境。 -
主營產(chǎn)品: 身份證云解碼,人臉識別與人證核驗技術的高新產(chǎn)業(yè)...所在地區(qū): 河南鄭州
經(jīng)營模式: 生產(chǎn)型 已備案證書: 0 張 工商注冊: 2005(1,000萬(元)) 員工人數(shù): 0 - 50 人 主營行業(yè): 芯片公司簡介:中軟高科——第11屆全國民族運動會“人證核驗(人臉識別+身份證云解碼)”唯一合作伙伴。 是一家致力于人工智能領域的國家級高新技術企業(yè),獲得2019年河南省科學技術進步獎,是2020年全國疫情防控重點企業(yè)(全國*發(fā)起掃碼實名登記的企業(yè)——“誰啊WHOA實名戰(zhàn)疫"系統(tǒng))。依托人臉識別技術為核心,結合身份證件核驗技術,延伸形成了“智能輕終端+應用+云平臺+大數(shù)據(jù)”的人證核驗產(chǎn)品生態(tài)圈,F(xiàn)已擁有*的人工智能(人臉識別)技術、云平臺、大數(shù)據(jù)挖掘技術、嵌入式底層研發(fā)的博士專家團隊,并成立了北京(算法研究)、鄭州(云平臺、大數(shù)據(jù)挖掘)、深圳(嵌入式智能終端/模組、新型處理器芯片)等不同方向的研發(fā)基地。 作為人證核驗領域的*,與公安部*研究所有著深層的合作,是金山、合眾思壯、百度、騰訊微信支付及阿里巴巴未來酒店的核心技術供應商,市場前景極其廣闊、被風投機構爭搶注資、擁有明確上市目標,以“全員持股”的開放式理念迎接四海精英加盟,熱烈歡迎”具有創(chuàng)業(yè)激情,意向成為企業(yè)合伙人的”有志之士加入這個正處于快速發(fā)展、機會多多的高科技企業(yè)! 現(xiàn)控股的“河南省703信息技術研究所”,以及與中科院合作的“云飛思人臉識別技術實驗室”。中軟高科目前由在技術領域享有盛譽的加籍華人徐強博士擔任董事長,是國家雙高雙軟企業(yè)。公司在多個領域通過ISO國際質(zhì)量管理體系認證,如國家第二代身份認證系統(tǒng)、人臉識別系統(tǒng)、指紋識別系統(tǒng)、多款嵌入式開發(fā)設備等等,是國家軟件開發(fā)定點企業(yè)、高新科技企業(yè)、公安部授權二代身份證核驗技術及設備合作伙伴,承擔多項政府科研攻關項目。 -
主營產(chǎn)品: 靜電消除器,離子棒,離子風棒,靜電消除設備,靜電消除裝置,高壓發(fā)生器,高壓電源,...所在地區(qū): 上海松江區(qū)
經(jīng)營模式: 生產(chǎn)型 已備案證書: 0 張 工商注冊: 2022(100萬(元)) 員工人數(shù): 5 人以下 公司簡介:錦汐達靜電科技(上海)有限公司是銷售、技術服務于一體的企業(yè)。*提供靜電消除器,離子風棒,離子棒,高壓發(fā)生器,靜電繩,靜電消除刷,靜電吸附,離子風機,靜電除塵,傳感器,靜電測試儀表,人體靜電釋放器,等產(chǎn)品及解決方案。產(chǎn)品廣泛應用于塑料薄膜,紡織,印刷,涂裝,新能源,軟包裝,卷煙廠,造紙,電子、半導體、自動化設備,石油化工等諸多行業(yè)。靜電消除器|薄膜靜電消除器|噴繪靜電消除器|印刷靜電消除器|涂布機靜電消除器|分切機靜電消除器 -
主營產(chǎn)品: Exhibition Services Comprehensive exhibition Security/Environmental Protection I...所在地區(qū): Hangzhou, Zhejiang
經(jīng)營模式: 政府或其他機構 已備案證書: 0 張 工商注冊: 未核實 員工人數(shù): 5 - 10 人 公司簡介:Hangzhou Wanzhan Exhibition Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive service provider of exhibition services. Hangzhou Wanzhan Exhibition Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive service provider of exhibition services. Hangzhou Wanzhan Exhibition Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive service provider of exhibition services. Hangzhou Wanzhan Exhibition Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive service provider of exhibition services. Hangzhou Wanzhan Exhibition Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive service provider of exhibition services. Hangzhou Wanzhan Exhibition Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive service provider of exhibition services. Hangzhou Wanzhan Exhibition Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive service provider of exhibition services. Hangzhou Wanzhan Exhibition Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive service provider of exhibition services. Hangzhou Wanzhan Exhibition Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive service provider of exhibition services. Hangzhou Wanzhan Exhibition Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive service provider of exhibition services. -
主營產(chǎn)品: Central dust removal system, central vacuum cleaning system, flue gas treatment,...所在地區(qū): Hangzhou, Zhejiang
經(jīng)營模式: 生產(chǎn)型 已備案證書: 0 張 工商注冊: 未核實 員工人數(shù): 5 人以下 公司簡介:Our company has a team with independent research and development capabilities. Since its establishment, it has focused on smoke and dust control in the environmental protection industry, and has won the trust of owners with technology and quality. The existing company team has cooperated with many companies and other manufacturers many times to train and consolidate our technical and project team, making us a service provider with reliable technology, stable performance, and complete products. -
主營產(chǎn)品: Aluminum alloy smelting furnace dust treatment system, central dust collector, b...所在地區(qū): Chaoyang District, Beijing
經(jīng)營模式: 生產(chǎn)型 已備案證書: 0 張 工商注冊: 未核實 員工人數(shù): 501 - 1000 人 公司簡介:Ma Xiaobai Technical Testing Company, please fill in completely in Chinese, the company registered with the Industry and Commerce Bureau, Quanma Xiaobai Technical Testing Company, please fill in completely in Chinese, the company registered with the Industry and Commerce Bureau, Quanma Xiaobai Technical Testing Company, please fill in completely in Chinese, the company registered with the Industry and Commerce Bureau, Quanma Xiaobai Technical Testing Company, please fill in completely in Chinese. Please fill in completely in Chinese, the company registered with the Industry and Commerce Bureau, Quanma Xiaobai Technical Testing Company, please fill in completely in Chinese, the company registered with the Industry and Commerce Bureau, Quanma Xiaobai Technical Testing Company, please fill in completely in Chinese, the company registered with the Industry and Commerce Bureau, Quanma Xiaobai Technical Testing Company, please fill in completely in Chinese, the company registered with the Industry and Commerce Bureau, -
主營產(chǎn)品: Packaging testing equipment, sealing instrument, friction coefficient meter, med...所在地區(qū): Hangzhou, Zhejiang
經(jīng)營模式: 生產(chǎn)型 已備案證書: 0 張 工商注冊: 未核實 員工人數(shù): 51 - 100 人 公司簡介:Wance Technology is a high-tech enterprise engaged in testing theoretical research and testing hardware development and has independent independent intellectual property rights. Our products are widely used in quality inspection and drug testing institutions, printing, packaging, medicine, daily chemical products, scientific research colleges, food, medicine, chemical industry, new energy, new materials and other fields. Wance Technology has always been oriented by customer needs and aims at quality and technological development. We are determined to provide reliable services and products to users around the world. -
主營產(chǎn)品: 反滲透純水設備,EDI超純水設備,混床純水設備,機械過濾器,多介質(zhì)過濾器,軟水機,軟...所在地區(qū): 廣東珠海香洲區(qū)
經(jīng)營模式: 生產(chǎn)型 已備案證書: 0 張 工商注冊: 2001(413.224500萬) 員工人數(shù): 5 - 10 人 公司簡介: 珠海市普洛爾管道純凈水工程有限公司,2001年07月13日成立,經(jīng)營范圍包括從事城市管道純凈水投資開發(fā)工程,純凈水技術開發(fā)工程,給排水技術開發(fā)工程,水處理設備,凈水設備,飲水設備,濾材及相關零部件的批發(fā)零售。 -
主營產(chǎn)品: Testing machine, tensile machine, tensile testing machine, rubber tensile machin...所在地區(qū): Beijing
經(jīng)營模式: 生產(chǎn)型 已備案證書: 0 張 工商注冊: 未核實 員工人數(shù): 51 - 100 人 公司簡介:The company is a company specializing in the research and development, production and sales of physical and chemical testing instruments. The testing machine series products developed by the company are widely used in various industries for physical and chemical testing. Our company's products adopt Taiwan's measurement and control technology and parts imported from Japan, the United States, and Taiwan, so that the performance of the products reaches the technical level of similar foreign products. The company adheres to the business philosophy of "technology first, quality service". With the development of the company, the company will provide users with better products and more complete after-sales services. The company's main products include tensile testing machines, electronic material testing machines, hydraulic material testing machines, horizontal tensile machines for wire harness terminals, impact testing machines, drop hammer impact testing machines, dart impact testing machines, tablet presses, melt flow rate measuring instruments, thermal deformation Vicat temperature measuring instruments, infrared moisture measuring instruments, coefficient of rebound meters and other series of products are necessary instruments for laboratory analysis and testing of products, especially suitable for materials, food, medicine, building materials, packaging, Foam and other manufacturing and quality inspection; scientific research; teaching and other fields are tested and analyzed on metal; plastic; rubber; film; textiles; geotextiles; yarn; fiber; paper; wire and cable; spring; plastic composite pipes; artificial marble; cement; packaging materials; plastic tapes, etc. Mechanical properties such as cycling; fatigue; relaxation; creep; tension; compression; bending; tearing; peeling; shearing; puncture; bursting; torsion.123456